There are many more indoor plants than the ones listed here, but these were chosen either because they are easy to grow, or because they offer the most attractive display.
Select from this list and you can achieve almost any type of indoor pot garden or display imaginable. If you delight in flowering plants displayed on their own, there’s an excellent selection of these too. There are plants which climb or trail, one which bears berries, and even ferns to act as a foil to more exotic flowering plants when grouped together.
If you’ve never tried your hand at growing indoor plants, then you are going to find this is a new and fascinating hobby. If you love indoor plants, but never manage to keep them alive and well for very long, here is a simple guide to the easiest ones to grow from most easy to more difficult plants. And once you have developed a little knowledge and experience, you will become more and more adventurous in the range of plants you have in your home.