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Large-flowered Bush Roses (Hybrid Teas)

Discover the beauty and variety of large-flowered bush roses, including their colors, fragrances, and average heights. Explore the world of hybrid teas!

Average height is 21- to 3 ft.

Key Information:

The document provides information about large-flowered bush roses (Hybrid Teas).

  • Average height is 21- to 3 ft., or as varied by conditions and cultivation.
  • Adolf Horstmann: Orange yellow marked red. Stately bloom, full of petals. Average height. Raised by Kordes (Germany) 1971.
  • Alec’s Red: Crimson to cherry red. Large flower with strong sweet scent. Average height. Raised by Cocker (Scotland) 1970.

Average height is 21- to 3 ft., or as varied by conditions and cultivation.

Adolf Horstmann Orange yellow marked red. Here is a stately bloom, full of petals, initially yellow but opening more orange, especially when the blooms are cut. Average height. Raised by Kordes (Germany) 1971.

Alec’s Red Crimson to cherry red. A large flower with strong sweet scent it has collected four international awards for fragrance. Average height. Raised by Cocker (Scotland) 1970.

Alexander Vermilion. A breath-catching colour, especially vibrant in the sunlight. Good form, without a lot of petals, but plenty of flowers on long straight stems. Above average height. Raised by Harkness (England) 1972.

Baccara Deep vermilion. For growing under glass, or in a plot adjoining a greenhouse. It is no good in the open. Provider of long-stemmed, long-lasting cut flowers, the florist’s dream. Young leaves, bronze. Average height. Raised by Meilland (France) 1956.

Beaute Orange yellow. Modesty itself: few petals, but broad, high-centred flowers; dull foliage and low growth, but a pleasing bush. Below average height. Raised by Mallerin (France) 1954.

Blessings Rose pink, slightly salmon. An excellent bedding rose, very free flowering, of even growth. Medium-sized flowers, well formed. Average height. Raised by Gregory (England) 1968.

Blue Moon Lilac pink. The best of the hopefully blue roses, and very fragrant. Handsome flowers (better still under glass) but watch it for blackspot. Average height. Raised by Tantau (Germany) 1964.

Bonsoir Pink, pretty peach-blossom colour. A beauty for large, well-formed flowers, pleasantly fragrant. Handsome leaves. Average height. Raised by Dickson (Ireland) 1968.

Chicago Peace Phlox pink and yellow. Excepting colour, it has the characteristics of Peace, large flowers and all. Above average height. Raised by Johnston (USA) 1962.

Colour Wonder Orange red, yellow reverse. Scintillating colour, well-formed blooms, thorny plant. Wonderful when it settles in, but does not always do so. Try a few plants rather than a bed. Average height. Raised by Kordes (Germany) 1964..

Curiosity Red, yellow reverse. The flowers are not so marvellous, but the leaves are brightly variegated with light marks. An interesting curiosity. Below average height. Raised by Cocker (Scotland) 1971. Diorama Yellow marked red. One of the best yellow roses; mainly the outer petals have the red marks. Average height. Raised by De Ruiter (Holland) 1965.

Elizabeth Harkness Ivory shaded buff or pink. Most handsome and consistent in flower form. Free flowering, fragrant; and beautiful beyond words. Average height. Raised by Harkness (England) 1969.

Ena Harkness Bright crimson. The most famous red rose. The form of flowers and rich colour have made it a household name. Does not like dry conditions in which it hangs its head. Average height. Raised by Norman (England) 1946.

Ernest H. Morse Deep crimson. Has an excellent habit of growth for a bed, and produces well-formed flowers without a great many petals. Average height. Raised by Kordes (Germany) 1964.

Eroica Dark crimson. Large flowers, perhaps a little dull in colour, but richly scented. Average height. Raised by Tantau (Germany) 1968.

Evensong Deep rosy salmon. A real

beauty, not known as well as it deserves.

The flowers are fragrant, well formed,

attractive and kind in colour. Average height. Raised by Arnot (Scotland) 1963. Fragrant Cloud Dusky scarlet. Wonderful scent has made it a best seller, but the colour fades. Good habit for a bed. Some risk of blackspot. Average height. Raised by Tantau (Germany) 1963.

Grandpa Dickson Lemon yellow; takes some red flushes especially on later blooms. An excellent rose, from which flowers of supreme quality in size and form can be obtained. Average height. Raised by Dickson (Ireland) 1966.

Harlow Salmon, indeed almost smoked salmon, and strangely very suitable among surroundings of concrete; a common but unaesthetic substance which does little to help most colours. Average height. Raised by Cocker (Scotland) 1969.

Honey Favourite Buff yellow shaded pink. Has the beautiful, disease-resistant foliage of Pink Favourite, of which it is a sport. Average height. Raised by Von Abrams (USA) 1962.

John Waterer Deep crimson. The colour is deep and bright, set off well against lustrous foliage. Not much scent, unfortunately, but a very handsome rose for a bed. Average height. Raised by McGredy (Ireland) 1970.

Josephine Bruce Dark crimson. The darkest of them all, stunning on its first flower, a bit ragged later, and apt to mildew. Below average height. Raised by Bees (England) 1949.

Just Joey Salmon flushed coppery orange. No ordinary colour, it sometimes looks between fawn and orange, and invites pleased notice. Below average height. Raised by Cants (England) 1973.

King’s Ransom Deep yellow. The clear yellow colour agrees well with the glossy green of the foliage. Average height. Raised by Morey (USA) 1961.

Kronenbourg Purple red, reverse yellow. A sport from Peace, in a colour some may call daring, others ugly. It is unique at least. Above average height. Raised by McGredy (Ireland) 1965.

Lady Seton Rose pink. A fragrant pink rose, producing medium-sized flowers on good stems abundantly. Upright, well-leafed bush. Average height or a bit more. Raised by McGredy (Ireland) 1966.

Meinatac Rose pink. Large fragrant flowers of pleasing colourful pink. Average height. Raised by Meilland (France) 1974.

Mischief Salmon pink; the September flowers have a hint of orange. Popular, fragrant, well formed and free flowering, but it may get rust. Average height. Raised by McGredy (Ireland) 1961.

Mullard Jubilee Deep pink. A big plant in

every way; growth, foliage and flowers are all exuberant. Colour approaching light red. Above average height. Raised by McGredy (Ireland) 1970.

National Trust Bright crimson. The flowers are smaller than most, not fragrant, but for a blaze of red in the garden it is superb. Below average height. Raised by McGredy (Ireland) 1970.

Pascali White. The best white hybrid tea, and one of the best of all garden roses for cutting. A most satisfactory rose to grow. Average height. Raised by Lens (Belgium) 1963.

Peace Yellow flushed pink. One of the easiest to grow, provided blackspot is controlled. Famous for the beauty, size and delicate colouring of its flowers. Above average height. Raised by Meilland (France) 1942.

Peer Gynt Bright yellow flushed red. One of the boldest yellow colours, capable of producing blooms both exquisite and substantial. May need mildew control. Average height. Raised by Kordes (Germany) 1968.

Perfecta Cream shaded and marked pink. The great blooms are indeed perfection, but so heavy the wind can snap them off. Given shelter, and forgiven its ugly buds, Perfecta offers great enjoyment. Average height. Raised by Kordes (Germany) 1957.

Pharaoh Rich scarlet. Spectacular flowers, large and bright, stand above thick, leathery leaves, which nonetheless need watching for blackspot. Average height. Raised by Meilland (France) 1967.

Piccadilly Scarlet and yellow. A brilliant bedding rose, not only in flower, but in glistening dark foliage too. Keep an eye on it for blackspot. Average height or less. Raised by McGredy (Ireland) 1960.

Pink Favourite Bright pink. Wonderful foliage, very resistant to disease. The flowers grow large and shapely. Good habit for a bed. Average height. Raised by Von Abrams (USA) 1956.

Prima Ballerina Deep rose pink. The fragrance is delightful, the colour kind, and the flowers handsome without many petals. Strong growth, some chance of mildew. Above average height. Raised by Tantau (Germany) 1957.

Red Devil Light crimson. Famous for the enormous size its flowers can grow to, this is the best variety to put its owner in the exhibitor’s class without really trying. Fragrant, and a handsome plant. Above average height. Raised by Dickson (Ireland) 1967.

Red Planet Deep bright crimson. Health

and colour are superb, but fragrance is

lacking. The autumn flowers are usually

the best. Average height. Raised by Dickson (Ireland) 1970.

Rose Gaujard Carmine rose and white. Usually proves one of the easiest to grow, with attractive slim buds, opening to show a twisted centre. Average height. Raised by Gaujard (France) 1959.

Stella Creamy pink and carmine. For maximum pleasure, leave only one flower bud per shoot, by removing the side buds when young. A glorious, stately flower is then given, instead of a somewhat untidy head. Average height. Raised by Tantau (Germany) 1958.

Super Star Light vermilion. A famous rose, with beautifully formed flowers, in attractive colour. Apt to mildew. Above average height. Raised by Tantau (Germany) 1960.

Sutter’s Gold Yellow flushed pink. Ruddy gold buds open to well-formed flowers, without many petals. Elegant, fragrant, free flowering. Average height. Raised by Swim (USA) 1950.

Sweet Promise Salmon pink. The flowers are on the small side, most beautifully formed. Lots of Sweet Promise go to the flower shops. Average height. Raised by Meilland (France) 1972.

Troika Orange and red. Attractive in colour and form when young, but discolours with age. The orange colour is one of the best in roses. Average height. Raised by Poulsen (Denmark) 1972.

Truly Yours Salmon pink shaded orange.

Delightfully fragrant, well-formed

blooms. Average height. Raised by Robinson (England) 1974.

Typhoon Salmon pink shaded orange. Fragrant and easy to grow. Colour is variable, which can give pleasant surprises. Average height. Raised by Kordes (Germany) 1972.

Wendy Cussons Deep pink, near to light red. A splendid English rose, easy to grow, usually well behaved and fragrant. Above average height. Raised by Gregory (England) 1959.

Whisky Mac Amber yellow. One of the most beautiful colours in roses, with elegant, fragrant flowers to set it off. But watch out for mildew. Average height. Raised by Tantau (Germany) 1967.

Yellow pages Deep yellow. A very bold yellow, like glittering gold against its shining foliage. Average height. Raised by McGredy (Ireland) 1973.

More Information on Large-flowered Bush Roses (Hybrid Teas)

Large-flowered Bush Roses, also known as Hybrid Teas, are a popular choice among rose enthusiasts. With their stunning blooms and diverse colors, they add beauty and elegance to any garden. These roses typically reach an average height of 2 to 3 feet, although this can vary depending on growing conditions and cultivation techniques.

One fascinating aspect of Large-flowered Bush Roses is the wide range of colors and fragrances they offer. From deep crimson to vibrant orange, and from delicate pink to creamy white, there is a rose to suit every taste and preference. Some varieties, like Alec’s Red and Fragrant Cloud, have even received international awards for their captivating fragrances.

In addition to their visual appeal, Large-flowered Bush Roses are also favored for their suitability as cut flowers. With their long stems and long-lasting blooms, they make a perfect choice for floral arrangements and bouquets. Roses such as Baccara and Grandpa Dickson are particularly sought after by florists due to their ability to provide striking, long-stemmed cut flowers.

It is worth noting that while Large-flowered Bush Roses thrive in well-protected environments such as greenhouses, some varieties may not perform as well in open gardens. Factors like blackspot and mildew should be considered when selecting and caring for these roses.

Whether you are a seasoned rose gardener or a beginner, Large-flowered Bush Roses offer a captivating array of colors, fragrances, and forms to enhance your garden. Their exquisite beauty and versatility make them a timeless choice for any flower lover.

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About The Author:

Rupert Foxton-Smythe

Horticulturist and avid plant enthusiast.

Rupert Foxton-Smythe is a seasoned horticulturist and avid plant enthusiast with over three decades of experience in the field of botany. As a leading expert at Houseplant Guru, Rupert brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for all things green.


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