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Modern Shrub Roses

Discover the beauty and charm of modern shrub roses! With their myriad varieties and enduring color, they can transform any garden or patio.

Myriad varieties of enduring colour
Whether on their own or among complementary species, modem shrub roses can set the summer-time tone of a whole garden, or give detailed interest near a patio or favourite path.

Key Information:

Modem shrub roses can add enduring color and interest to a garden or patio.

  • Myriad varieties of enduring color
  • Set the summer-time tone of a garden
  • Add detailed interest near a patio or path

Myriad varieties of enduring colour

Whether on their own or among complementary species, modem shrub roses can set the summer-time tone of a whole garden, or give detailed interest near a patio or favourite path.




Plant containerized roses in spring.

Cut back damaged, dead or diseased shoots.

Prune according to type.



Flowering begins. June-August:

Water roses if conditions become very dry.


Among modern shrub roses only the rugosas are notable for the appearance of their hips.



Repeat f lowerers will give a second flush of slightly smaller blooms.

November is the best time to plant bare-root roses, giving them a chance to get established before the onset of winter.



Most shrub roses are hardy. Protect newly planted individuals from frost by earthing up (banking up soil) or mulching (covering the soil).


Among the modern shrub roses, the rugosas have the most attractive foliage. It is bright green, heavily veined (rugose) and appears early in spring. The leaves are very resistant to disease and turn to an attractive yellow colour in autumn.

M odern shrub roses are a varied group, combining the strengths of many of the old roses with new features from recent hybrids. The majority are repeat flowering.

The mixed parentage of the modern shrub rose has led to a variety of appearances and care requirements.

Repeat-flowering varieties

Cluster-flowered (flori-bunda) varieties like ‘Chinatown’ and descendants of such groups as the rugosas and the hybrid musks sometimes flower almost continuously in summer. This is also true of ground-cover varieties such as ‘Surrey’, ‘Rosy Cushion’, ‘Red Blanket’ and ‘Bonica’.


Roses will not thrive in soil which has previously grown roses. Choose a new area or replace the soil to a depth of 50cm. Incorporate organic matter (compost or well-rotted manure) and add a little bone meal. Position plants to give ample room when fully grown. Once-flowering varieties

Shrub roses which are not repeat flowering make such a good show that they are worth growing anyway. They include ‘Nevada’, ‘Fritz Nobis’, ‘Constance Spry’, ‘Marguerite Hilling’ and ‘Fruhlingsgold’ which blooms in May.


‘Constance Spry’, ‘Fritz Nobis’, ‘Fruhlingsgold’, ‘Fruhlingsmorgen’, ‘Maigold’, ‘Marguerite Hilling’, ‘Nevada’, ‘Pink Bells’, ‘Red Bells’, ‘Scintillation’, ‘White Bells’

Rugosa shrub roses, ‘FJGrootendorst’, ‘Hansa’, ‘Pink Grootendorst’, ‘Roseraie de 1’Hay’,

Modern shrub roses


Warm, sunny or partial shade. Airy but not exposed to wind. In groups or as single specimens.


Shrub roses prefer almost neutral soil (pH 6.5). They need well-drained soil in order to thrive.


Cut back dead or diseased wood in spring, and thin out slightly if necessary. Find out the group which your shrub rose belongs to and prune accordingly.


Shrub roses are susceptible to the fungal diseases of mildew, rust, black spot and canker. These attack more readily if plants are inadequately fed or are neglected in other ways. Fungi will spread less easily if plants are well spaced out. Treat attacks of mildew, rust and black spot with a spray of systemic fungicide, repeated at 3-4 week intervals. Wood affected by canker should be cut out and destroyed. Spray greenfly with insecticide or soap solution.

More Information on Modern shrub roses

Modern shrub roses are a diverse group of roses that combine the best qualities of old roses with new features from recent hybrids. They come in myriad varieties, offering enduring color and interest to gardens and patios. Whether planted on their own or alongside other complementary species, modern shrub roses can set the tone for a vibrant summer garden or provide captivating focal points near patios and paths.

One of the remarkable characteristics of modern shrub roses is their ability to bloom repeatedly. Cluster-flowered varieties like ‘Chinatown’ and descendants of groups such as the rugosas and hybrid musks can sometimes flower almost continuously throughout the summer. Ground-cover varieties like ‘Surrey’, ‘Rosy Cushion’, ‘Red Blanket’, and ‘Bonica’ also exhibit this impressive trait.

In terms of cultivation, it’s important to note that roses do not thrive in soil that has previously grown roses. It is recommended to choose a new area or replace the soil to a depth of 50cm. Incorporating organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, and adding a little bone meal can greatly benefit their growth. Additionally, it is crucial to position the plants to allow ample room for their full growth.

Shrub roses that only flower once still make a remarkable show and are worth growing. Varieties such as ‘Nevada’, ‘Fritz Nobis’, ‘Constance Spry’, ‘Marguerite Hilling’, and ‘Fruhlingsgold’ (which blooms in May) fall into this category.

Modern shrub roses prefer warm, sunny, or partially shaded locations that are airy but not excessively exposed to wind. They thrive best in almost neutral soil with a pH of 6.5 and require well-drained soil to flourish.

When it comes to plant health, it’s important to be aware that shrub roses are susceptible to fungal diseases such as mildew, rust, black spot, and canker. Proper feeding and spacing of plants can help minimize the spread of these diseases. Treatments such as spraying with systemic fungicides or using insecticide or soap solutions can help control these issues.

Overall, modern shrub roses offer a wide array of options for adding beauty and charm to any garden or outdoor space. With their enduring color, repeat flowering, and attractive foliage, they are an excellent choice for both experienced and novice gardeners.

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About The Author:

Rupert Foxton-Smythe

Horticulturist and avid plant enthusiast.

Rupert Foxton-Smythe is a seasoned horticulturist and avid plant enthusiast with over three decades of experience in the field of botany. As a leading expert at Houseplant Guru, Rupert brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for all things green.


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