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OMPHALODES Navelwort, Blue-eyed Mary

Discover the beauty of Omphalodes, a reliable carpeting plant that thrives in shade. Learn how to cultivate and care for this captivating blue-flowered plant.

PROPAGATION: Divide clumps in spring.

Key Information:

Omphalodes, also known as Navelwort or Blue-eyed Mary, is a reliable carpeting plant that thrives in shade. It produces blue flowers early in the season and requires humus-rich soil. Deadheading prolongs the floral display.

  • Reliable carpeting plant for shade
  • Produces blue flowers early in the season
  • Requires humus-rich soil

PROPAGATION: Divide clumps in spring. O. missouriensis is an exception – sow seeds under glass in spring.

The range of reliable carpeting plants which will flourish and flower in the shade under trees and shrubs is quite limited – Navelwort is worth searching for. The blue flowers are borne early in the season in loose sprays above the foliage which remains green almost all year round. The roots require humus – add peat, compost or leaf mould when planting and mulch around the stems in spring. Dead heading will prolong the floral display.

VARIETIES: O. cappadocica produces all-blue flowers, about ½ in. across, in graceful sprays. Basic details are height 9 in., spacing 1 ft.

Flowering period: May-June. The variety ‘Anthea Bloom’ bears pale blue flowers. A variation in flower colour is found in O. verna – each blue bloom has a prominent white centre. It is rather lower-growing than O. cappadocica and there are other differences – it is earlier flowering (March-May) and quicker growing. Choose O. verna if you want to cover a patch of ground with Omphalodes in the shortest possible time.

SITE AND SOIL: Any moisture-retentive garden soil will do – thrives best in shade.

PROPAGATION: Divide clumps in autumn. |:ItI;li]j; idsKIHWIMlt

More Information on OMPHALODES Navelwort, Blue-eyed Mary

Omphalodes, commonly known as Navelwort or Blue-eyed Mary, is a fascinating carpeting plant that thrives in shady areas. Its blue flowers, which appear early in the season, create a beautiful display above the evergreen foliage. What makes Navelwort unique is its ability to flourish and flower in the limited range of reliable carpeting plants suitable for shade under trees and shrubs.

To cultivate Navelwort successfully, it is important to provide the right growing conditions. This plant prefers moisture-retentive garden soil, enriched with humus. When planting, consider adding peat, compost, or leaf mould to improve the soil quality. Mulching around the stems in spring helps retain moisture and supports the plant’s growth.

In terms of propagation, Navelwort can be divided in spring, except for the O. missouriensis variety, which requires sowing seeds under glass during the same season. Additionally, there are different varieties of Navelwort worth exploring. O. cappadocica produces graceful sprays of all-blue flowers, while O. verna displays blue blooms with prominent white centers. The latter variety is lower-growing and faster-growing, making it an excellent choice for quickly covering a patch of ground.

If you are looking to add a reliable and visually appealing carpeting plant to your shade garden, Navelwort is certainly worth considering. Its ability to thrive in shady conditions and its captivating blue flowers make it a delightful addition to any landscape.

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About The Author:

Rupert Foxton-Smythe

Horticulturist and avid plant enthusiast.

Rupert Foxton-Smythe is a seasoned horticulturist and avid plant enthusiast with over three decades of experience in the field of botany. As a leading expert at Houseplant Guru, Rupert brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for all things green.

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