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View Indoor Tree Plants
Schefflera Elegantissima False Aralia
False aralia, or Schefflera elegantissima, is an evergreen shrub native to southeastern As...
Yucca Elephantipes Spineless Yucca
Spineless yucca (Yucca elephantipes) is a tough, evergreen shrub found in tropical and sub...
Terminalia Catappa Tropical Almond
Tropical almond (Terminalia catappa) is a medium-sized tropical tree with a wide, spreadin...
Radermachera Sinica Asian Bell Tree
The Asian bell tree (Radermachera sinica) is a stunning deciduous tree with glossy, oval l...
Ficus Elastica ‘Burgundy’ India Rubber Plant
The India rubber plant (Ficus elastica ‘Burgundy’) is a beautiful and unique a...