Summer Hyacinth – Galtonia candicans is an extremely useful plant in that it flowers in profusion in the border throughout August and early September – a difficult period not only for bulbs but for most herbaceous plants, for until the first Michaelmas daisies appear it is a period of little colour. In a cold, heavy soil, bulbs may not be completely hardy and should either be covered with a long straw mulch during November or be lifted and wintered indoors until planted out again late in March.
As all bulbs seem to remain in better condition in the ground provided it is well drained, I prefer to incorporate in the soil some sand and liberal dressings of leaf mould. The bulbs are planted 4 in. deep and 9 in. apart in groups of four. As they grow to a height of 4 ft. they should be placed towards the back of the border. With a hedge, wall or wattle hurdles as a background, they make a delightful display with their spires of pure white drooping bells.
Although related to the spring-flowering Hyacinth, it is a much larger-growing and altogether more conspicuous subject. The species G. candicans, often known as Hyacinthus candicans or the Summer-flowering Hyacinth, produces good-sized bulbs, long, strap-shaped, pointed leaves and strong, erect-growing flower-spikes, 4 ft or more high. In the summer these spikes bear 20 or more large, drooping, sweet-scented, pure-white bells of great beauty. A group of three or more bulbs, planted 5 or 6 in. deep in the early part of the year, will produce a very bold effect in the summer.
Any good, well-drained ground is suitable, and the sunnier the position, the better the show. A winter mulching of litter, leaf mould or decayed manure will prove beneficial.